
Letters from a Skeptic

Over the course of almost three years Greg Boyd and his father Ed corresponded about Christianity, the Bible and faith, Ed, a skeptic with a lot of questions, engages his son's expertise with love, transparency and candor. Greg, a notorious open theist and at the time Professor of Theology at Bethel University, addresses his father's questions and misconceptions about the issue dividing them in an attempt to reconcile his feelings about his father. Relying on more of a 'Pascal's Wager' type of challenge than a true call to repentance and faith, Greg gives his father the best information about Christianity that he had at the time.




The Mystery of Easter

What does the paschal mystery mean in the context of the rite - past and present - and in Christian life and death?

Students of the liturgy and preachers will find in these pages a thoughtful examination of the mystery of Easter. Father Cantalamessa, the preacher to the papal household, is in full command of both the scholarly and the pastoral implications of the Easter rite. From his words you will gain the insight to articulate this mystery within the liturgy and within life so that it will imbue with hope and awe all those who come to celebrate it.




The Early Christian Church

This is a 1957 account of the rise and development of the Christian Church during the first two centuries after the Crucifixion. The events are set down in the order in which they happened, giving a clear picture of the establishment, progress, sufferings and survival of the new faith. It focuses special attention on the men who decisively affected its history. Christianity began as a sect of the Hellenized Judaism which had believers all over the Eastern Roman Empire. It grew up against dissension from inside and oppression from outside. Archbishop Carrington's account of Christianity is placed in the setting of the larger world of Imperial politics, rival religions and troubled times. The author does not offer this book as a conventional history for the scholar, yet it can be read for pleasure as well as for information. There are over 100 photographs and chronological tables, and reading lists.




Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions

This popular-level theology book introduces the person and work of Christ to those who are seeking answers to some of their most basic-and pivotal-questions.

Some two thousand years after he walked the earth, Jesus Christ is still a hot topic. And for all the ridiculous, twisted, Da Vinci Code-esque conspiracy theories and lies about Jesus that have permeated popular culture and even the academy over the years, the truth about his character, nature, and work has not changed. So what exactly is the truth about Jesus Christ?

That's the question the authors of Vintage Jesus seek to answer by breaking it down into a number of sub-questions about Jesus, including Is Jesus the only God? Why did Jesus come to earth? Did Jesus rise from death? Why should we worship Jesus? and others. Nonbelievers and new Christians looking to sit down and delve into the topic of Jesus, asking the toughest, most confounding questions they can think of, will find solid, biblical answers presented in a relevant, accessible way.




The Healing Power of the Eucharist

In The Healing Power of the Eucharist, Father John Hampsch reflects upon the spiritual, emotional, and even physical healing that is available to us through the transforming power of this sacrament. He recounts miraculous stories and explains the teaching of the Church concerning the real presence of Christ.




The Next Christendom: The coming of Global Christianity

In this new and substantially expanded Third Edition, Philip Jenkins continues to illuminate the remarkable expansion of Christianity in the global South--in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Drawing upon the extensive new scholarship that has appeared on this topic in recent years, he asks how the new Christianity is likely to affect the poor, among whom it finds its most devoted adherents. How should we interpret the enormous success of prosperity churches across the Global South? Politically, what will be the impact of new Christian movements? Will Christianity contribute to liberating the poor, to give voices to the previously silent, or does it threaten only to bring new kinds of division and conflict? Does Christianity liberate women, or introduce new scriptural bases for subjection?




Handbook of Christian Apologetics:

Hundreds of Answers to Crucial Questions 

Reasonable, concise, witty and wise, Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli have written an informative and valuable guidebook for anyone looking for answers to questions of faith and reason. Topics include: faith and reason the existence of God God's nature how we know God creation and evolution providence and free will miracles the problem of evil the Bible's historical reliability the divinity of Christ the resurrection life after death heaven and hell salvation Christianity and other religions objective truth Whether you are asking the questions yourself or want to respond to others who are, here is the resource you have been waiting for.





"I Believe": Exploring the Apostles' Creed

A solid, trusted resource for teaching the foundations of Christian doctrine. Dividing the Apostles' Creed into six sections, McGrath provides a brief history of the Christian faith and explores the essential truths about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Discussion questions and helps for leaders make this ideal for group study.





What's Christianity All About?

A primer on Christianity--its scriptures, history, beliefs, practices and uniqueness--and some helpful guidelines for Christian living in today's world.





Nicene Christianity

Explores the Nicene Creed both in light of what the Creed was about in its original setting and what it can contribute today.





The Reformation for Armchair Theologians

This readable, accessible narrative story of the Protestant Reformation is written for lay audiences. It is part of the popular Westminster John Knox Press Armchair series and is illustrated with memorable cartoons by Ron Hill. The chapters of the book are suitable for use in church adult education settings to provide a solid grounding in the history of the Reformation and its leading ideas. Questions for discussion and suggestions for further reading provided for each chapter make this book great for group study. Since the Protestant Reformation is such a formative event in the lives of churches, it is important to have an accessible resource to tell its story available for laypersons in all denominations.

Written by experts but designed for the nonexpert, the Armchair series provides accurate, concise, and witty overviews of some of the most profound moments and theologians in Christian history. These books are an essential supplement for first-time encounters with primary texts, a lucid refresher for scholars and clergy, and an enjoyable read for the theologically curious.





Search for the Spiritual, A: Exploring Real Christianity

This is the book to put into the hands of seekers. With disarming candor (and no "churchspeak"), White explores the basics of the Christian faith.

