Haiti / Missions


Author Title
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand In the Parish of the Poor - writings from Haiti
Baker, Rolland Always Enough
Boyd, Tammy All Good Things Start With a Prayer
Cltandre, Pierre Cathedral of the August Heat a Novel of Haiti
Corbett, Steve When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor and Yourself
Danticat, Edwidge Farming of Bones, The
Dearborn, Tim Short-Term Missions Workbook
Demme, Jonathan Island on Fire
Gold, Herbert Best Nightmare on Earth - A Life in Haiti
Hammer, Trudy Haiti
Hart, Dave Solomon Boy: adventure Among the People of the Solomon Islands
Jeanty, Edner Speak Creole in no time
Jeanty, Edner Sa ou di pou sa
Kidder, Tracy Mountains Beyond Mountains - Quest for Dr. Paul Farmer
McGregor, Patricia S. Detour, The
Multiple, Haiti Tragedy and Hope - Time
Multiple, Haiti Dangerous Crossroads
Multiple, Chita Pa Bay - Readings in Haitian Creole
Regis I, Marc-Yves Two Good Feet
Turnbull, Wally Creole Made Easy: A Simple Introduction to Hattian Creole
Wilentz, Amy Rainy Season, The: Haiti Since Duvalier
Wucker, Michele Why the Cocks Fight

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